By definition, Litz wire is made up of solid conductor wires, insulated with polymer-based film, then twisted or braided into a uniform pattern. In many cases, additional insulations such as a single or double wrap of textile fiber, tapes, or extruded plastics may also be added to improve voltage-withstand, provide better dielectric strength, and protect the Litz wire against damage during winding.
New England Wire sources a variety of film insulated magnet wires and provides several options of fiber and tape insulation, as well as numerous extruded plastics insulation choices including silicone rubber.
Specialty winding wire like NEWind® is also available where the Litz conductor is insulated with two or three thin layers of extruded insulation to ensure that defects in any one insulation layer will not reduce the insulating ability of the overall winding.
New England Wire also maintains an electrical insulation system, NE-F1 Class F (155°C), which provides a large selection of major and minor component materials approved for use in transformers, motors, and coils, saving designers time and money.